I have a long journey ahead of me and I could really use an awesome support system. I would love to add more friends from all spectrums of the fitness level. We are all on the highway to health so let’s carpool!!!
Would love to join you along on your journey! I know this will be tough so I am looking to grow my support system!
I know to be successful in this journey I need to take advantage of my local Gym. But just the thought of signing up and running into people I know when working out is absolutely terrifying. I hate the thought of also not knowing what the heck I am doing while at a gym. Any suggestions to get myself more comfortable?
Started my health journey in April of 2017. Did an amazing job and lost 35 pounds really fast. One thing led to another and December arrives and I was right back where I started. This time I really want to stick with it and could use some tips about keeping motivated.
Hi everyone! I really need some advice when it comes to the fitness part of my journey. I seem to be doing okay with the eating part, and have already lost some weight by watching what I eat. But exercise is what is my road block. I'm sitting at 220 pounds right now and am very weak. Have never really worked my body out. I…