Hi everyone!! So obviously I'm trying to eat healthy but as I've been going along I find that I keep eating the same old thing. Chicken mostly. And it seems that Pinterest has all the same old recipes just tweeked in different ways. Does anyone have any healthy dinner recipes that are different and a little outside the…
A couple of days ago my boyfriend and I had someone close to us pass away. I haven't been eating very well since then. Any advice/motivation on how to get out of this funk?? Because all I want to do is eat ice cream and fried chicken.
Does anyone have any healthy breakfast ideas?? I normally hate cooking in the morning and tend to just grab something out of the fridge but that's not an option anymore. I don't normally do smoothies cause I feel they don't fill me up as much. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!
Hello everyone, my name is Kayley and I'm here to lose weight for my health. I went to my doctor today and she gave me some alarming news and basically that I needed to lose weight to counteract these issues. I live 2 hours away from my family and don't have many friends where I live. I just wanted to make some friends,…