Hi all, ever get disgusted with yourself? I'm in the dumps right now. I need friends who will motivate me; I'll answer all. I'm 76 in reasonably good health; but my weight has just ballooned. I was on MFP for a few years and always stopped, for one reason or another. I need to lose about 40# and am 5'8" tall. Thanks for…
Hi, noticed not too many on this site and hope you are still around. My name is Mo (Maureen) and just turned 70. Would like to lose about 20#. Am retired 5 years; live in the woods of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan w/my husb. and 2 little dogs. I'd like to lower my carbs and sugar. I've had my share of replacement body…
Just joined MFP 5 days ago; love the site. I'm 70 and looking to lose 25-30#. Retired with a rather sedentary lifestyle. We live deep in the woods; no neighbors or amenities for 30 miles. Had my share of body part replacements and surgeries. I think the last several days of the horror of Medicaid being cut back have jolted…
Hi over 70's! Just hit the magic age and want to drop 25-30#. Not too many members I see... Would like to get to know you and share strategies, recipes, etc. I live in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. How about it?