Garmin calorie estimates change
Has this happened to anyone else- I will synch my Garmin app activities with MFP- everything seems fine. I add my food in and things are fine throughout the day and net calories will be around my goal. The next day when I go back to look at the previous day, it “removes” some of my Garmin exercise calories and then it…
Increasing weights while strength training
Started strong curves a few weeks ago and just curious how frequently to increase my weights. For each exercise there is a suggested range of reps. For maximal muscle gains and results, should the goal be to max out the reps (x3 sets) before increasing to a higher weight during the next exercise session? Or, if you can do…
Grams of sugar?
Just curious to see how much total sugar people are generally eating daily? I have been trying to cut back to around 50g/day but struggling with it- even when steering clear of any processed foods or foods with known refined sugar but am still going over. Wondering if this goal might be too low?
Building strength
Just starting to get back into boxing after awhile off from it and more recently recovering from an injury. I’m curious about how you split your workouts throughout the week. Are you guys doing separate workouts of lifting or other strength training in addition boxing/mma classes and how many days are you doing of each?…