Hi everyone. So...im stuck in what my gp calls a vicious circle when it comes to trying to lose weight. Im at a dangerous weight, it needs to come off but i lose motivation so fast due to my mental health issues. I honestly have no nice clothes that fit me anymore due to excessive gains and its making me feel worse than…
Hi everyone. So...I know I need to get moving more as I spend all day in bed due to my depression and anxiety. I have a fitbit, any tips on how I can get more steps in at home? Im obese so im a bit restricted (and very unfit). I know that moving more will aid my weight loss. Thanks for reading, please feel free to add me x
Hi everyone. Im trying so hard to eat better and exercise more but with my mental health issues its such a struggle :( Its like im stuck in this vicious circle I cannot seem to get out of. Anyone else going through this? I have 116lbs to lose and I know by losing it my mental health will improve so much. Can i ask, how do…
Hi everyone :)Im Sara. I did create an account a few days ago but had to delete due to technical issues, which seems to be sorted thankfully. Im on a weight loss journey with 116lbs to lose though i am struggling with motivation. Please feel free to add me x
Hi everyone :) Im Sara. After months of yoyo dieting i decided to make the decision to get healthier once and for all. So please feel free to add me x (I did make an account a week ago but due to technical issues i had to delete it and make a new account)
Hi everyone :) I created an account a week ago but i had issues with it so I deleted and reinstalled. All seems ok thankfully but sadly i lost all my friends. So please feel free to add me x