Hi guys Still taking in a lot of information in regards to calorie counting, losing weight and maintenence. So far so good. Feeling energetic to get through my workouts and feeling satiated which is so important for me in curbing the binge eating. I am eating 1600 cals a day to lose a pound a week. I am wondering if and…
Hello everyone I wrote a post here months ago in regards to struggling with weight gain from binge eating. Weight that I had lost in 2016, 32 kgs to be exact. I have gained a whopping 17kgs in a year from simply being unable to stop eating. I do know that I was severely undereating at the time. I was not calorie counting…
Hello all So this is my first post here. I have been reading up a lot on these forums for a few weeks and I must say, I am really learning so much about the mechanics of weight loss and more importantly keeping it off. So long story short, I lost 32 kgs last year which took me only 7 months. I was not calorie counting but…