I have a small frame. I am 118 lbs @ 5ft 3.5. Just wondering if I lost 5 pounds, if it would make a difference on my stomach and hip area? Or would I need to lose like 10 or more pounds? Thanks!
started college last year. gained the freshman 15 without even knowing it until now. how the heck do i lose this? i am still in a healthy bmi but my belly and hips are fat af. no wonder my size 3 jeans barely fit me anymore.
So I'm between 5'3.5 - 5'4. I weigh about 118 pounds. Now I have a very small frame so this is quite a high weight for me. I gained approx. 10 pounds the past few months... I am 19 an I'd like to lose between 7-10 lbs. Opinions? What is the best way to do this? Any nutrition or food advice anyone? :) Any help is…
So I'm between 5'3.5 - 5'4. I weigh about 118 pounds. Now I have a very small frame so this is quite a high weight for me. I gained approx. 10 pounds the past few months... I am 19 an I'd like to lose between 7-10 lbs. Opinions? What is the best way to do this? Advice anyone? :) Any thoughts are appreciated . Thanks!