My stomach is shrinking but it’s also hanging
I’ve lost quite a bit of weight but my stomach now droops down. The skin from my upper belly is folding at the bellybutton (which has actually caused a minor infection inside my belly button) and my lower belly is drooping causing it to uncontrollably rub on my more sensitive area. I just need some advice as to how to get…
What can I do to get rid of my loose skin and stretch marks?
I know it’s probably a stupid question but with the weight I’ve been losing the skin on my stomach hangs quite a bit, and my stretch marks just look like jagged stripes. Not to mention the scars from my gall bladder removal surgery are now puffed up a lot (not sure why but they’re super soft and kinda squishy). I’ve never…
Anyone in Jacksonville, Florida
Looking for work out buddies!
Tell me about your day
It seems like I see the same people in all the forums, so tell me how your day is going.
I get notifications from different clubs in my area about going out, having fun, being amongst other people. But unfortunately for me I don’t really have any friends in real life to hang out with. I have coworkers, Facebook friends, MyFitnessPal friends, but none that I can actually hang out with. And I’d really like to be…
I’d like some friends please!
I’m 31, trying to lose 60 pounds, loves chocolate, hates “normal” exercises, and works as a receptionist. Hit me up and send a friend request!! ☺️
Bad break ups and food
I recently was dumped by my boyfriend of 4 years, I got really depressed and started eating my emotions, which I know you aren’t suppose to do. Then about a month ago I realized I had gotten to 195 pounds. Now I’m down to 182 pounds, but still get really sad and eat things I’m not suppose to eat (sugary or high sodium). I…
Beginner yoga
I wanted to start doing Yoga, but I don’t know exactly how to get started.
Why has my weight loss stopped?
So far I’ve lost 12 pounds since August, but I can’t seem to lose anymore. I’d really appreciate any advice you guys have
Would you hug, kiss, or avoid the person above you?
Pretty self explanatory
Say something nice to the poster above
After all the events that have been going on around the world this year, I believe we should speak kindly to each other. Encourage one another, compliment and build each other up. I think every person is basically good, and the people I've met on here have been very kind to me and I love each and every one of them for…