Well I am losing my trainer due to money, the gym I go to is pushing me to 1. increase my payment or drop the trainer, 2. les times going to keep trainer 3. get out of contract with no issues, lose trainer but gain my wife at the gym I'm on the fence on all 3 anyone have input.
has anyone have this issue and can this prevent you to lose wieght.? what is the correct level of blood sugar after working out?
Okay, well I been trying to lose weight for about 10 years. I'm still fight to get under 200lbs. I did start at 275 @ 5'5" Sooooooo yes I was way over weight and still am but not as much. my biggest issues is I don't know why I can't get pass 200. yo-yo between 205 and 210. So if there are anybody that can help me…