Am I on the right track?
Age: 29 in one month Sex: Male Height: 5'4" Weight: 169 BodyFat: I'd say around 30%, too much to get good measurements with calipers. So I started this last week as I'm fixing to turn 29 next month and I've always said I wanted to have abs while still in my 20s which means I'm running out of time. Here's what I've been…
Seasoning Calories
So... was bored and read the ingredient label on the seasoning I usually drown my chicken in and see that it contains Brown Sugar, however serving size is 0 calories. I put quite a bit of this on my chicken so I assume I am getting quite a few calories out of this. Do you guys track calories for things like this? My…
Am I on the right track?
Age: 29 in one month Sex: Male Height: 5'4" Weight: 169 BodyFat: I'd say around 30%, too much to get good measurements with calipers. So I started this last week as I'm fixing to turn 29 next month and I've always said I wanted to have abs while still in my 20s which means I'm running out of time. Here's what I've been…