I’m not happy in the relationship I’m in n I don’t know what to do. It’s been almost 4 yrs we live together and I don’t want to move back with my parents. I don’t have much money saved up. Plus my boyfriend is my boss to make it even worse. So I will be jobless and homeless. He doesn’t treat me right he honestly doesn’t do…
I got my thyroid retested on Tuesday and my tsh level is over 155. The doctors have placed me on a no gluten no soy no dairy diet for at least 7 weeks. I’m beginning to realize everything I typically eat contains the three things. It’s day 3 and it’s so hard to stay away. My weakness is carbs and cheese. Nothing fills me…
It would be cool to connect with people in my local area. Find out about trails and parks and beaches. Good places for food or other cool activities in the area.
I noticed last night that the scale is my enemy. I have the scale in my bathroom. I had a great day ate well and went to gym. I stepped on the scale before showering and no progress in 2 days. What a bummer. I felt like a failure at that instant. As I thought about it I’m like jess it’s been 2 days since u last weighed…
I need something to boost my energy. After work my energy is very low when I try and go to gym. I’m considering prework. There is just so many and I read that some can actually make you retain water and have carbs.
Once I get home from work at 6 I’m so hungry and ready to eat dinner asap. Once I eat my portioned meal for example a salad with chicken or meat and veggies. I want more. It doesn’t fill me. Maybe it’s mental but I crave more food and tend to go for carbs ( my weakness).
In 2013 I went from 224 to 165 in a year. I was going to school and working full time. I was also working out an hour everyday. Always busy. The past two years I moved in with my boyfriend and been gaining all my weight back. I stepped on scale on Sunday it said 206lbs. I gained all my weight back. I have a problem with…