I stumbled across Lipedema when I was trying to see if there could possibly be a reason why I am in excruciating pain when they do that stupid blood pressure cuff and there it was. I'm sure I have type 3 and 5 at stage 2 but I can't find a dr to look at me yet. My mother (her mother, her sisters) and my sisters are all…
So I read that adding more alkaline-forming foods will help slow down the leech of calcium from your bones, helping maintain your bone health for years to come. Also, that it will help fight free-radical damage and inflammation while supporting healthy cellular regeneration. Is it worth the extra effort? Are you a believer?
Cucumbers are a high-alkaline vegetable that helps regulate blood pressure and play a role in the structure of connective tissue within the body, including the muscles. Cucumbers are also a mild diuretic and can ease bloating or swelling. Their antioxidant qualities make them great for removing toxins from the body.…