Hello Everyone, Wondering what others are doing to plan their food intake tomorrow around the Thanksgiving dinner? Are you planning on fasting, eating something light, or doing something different altogether? Our dinner won’t be until late afternoon/early evening, so I’m planning to have a mid morning protein shake to help…
I’m looking out my kitchen window at a gorgeous crisp cold December morning. The bird feeder has had a steady group of customers, from sparrows to squirrels, chickadees, cardinals, blue jays, two different kinds of woodpeckers, and even an occasional morning dove. Their activity reminds me how moments like this, that quiet…
Hi. I’m Mary and definitely new here. At age 57, I’m really focused on reaching my health and dropping those horrible habits that have been holding me back from reaching that goal. Today is day 1 of that challenge, a day that marks the beginning of a new chapter in my life. And it started with me feeling physically awful…