My only saving grace for eating today was that I was honest in what I logged. I ate almost 1000 calories extra and it was mostly due to chocolate and ice cream. But I was honest in what I did and owned up for it. So i guess that’s not a horrible day
I think I am going to chalk yesterday and today up as a loss. I graduated from my Masters program yesterday and to celebrate I went out drinking... which lead to too many calories consumed by beer and obviously a late night snack of pasta ( my favorite) all I have done today is really hate myself about it. I feel like I…
Today was a better day. I stayed under/within my calorie goal even though there was a Christmas party at school FILLED with temptations. I also practiced self care by taking a nap after school... which turned into 3 hours (good thing I had nothing I HAD to do today) then I went grocery shopping with my boyfriend so we…
I have been a Yo-Yo dieter all my life. Food has always had a fierce control over me. It has given me bulimia and now (most likely) binge eating disorder. I don’t know how to stop it. I have been in therapy my whole life and nothing seems to help. I have to get my eating under control because my health is starting to be…