Was just checking my messages and I have a notification that I have a new friend request. However, when I click on it, I get that little spinning arrow and then an error message. Same thing when I click on my messages. The forums are all opening okay, just not my messages. Has this happened to anyone else?
Im not liking myself so much right now. I ate wayyy too much and had one too many deserts. Of course I didn’t track. So my goal is to get right back on track, counting everything this next week. And I’m going to stay off the scale for a couple days. 😬
Advice on how to beat cravings after dinner? I always crave something sweet or carbs. I can do good all day but then after dinner I sabotage myself. Any tips?
Losing weight is hard when everyone else around you is not on board to lose weight/eat healthy. I find myself at fast food joints more often than not and have to pick something halfway healthy. Does anyone else have this struggle?
What are your go to restaurants and meals when sticking to a healthy diet?
Looking for someone who is willing to message daily and help me get back on track. I’ve fallen into unhealthy eating habits and need help! I need to lose about 20 lbs to feel better! If you are already on the right track, send me a message!
Starting my weight loss journey in December, I was logging every meal. Sticking with 1200 calories or a little more according to how much I should be eating based on my height and weight. By the 1st of January I was doing so well and lost 9 lbs. but the past few weeks have been a struggle for me to stay on track. I have…