Looking for friends
Hi everyone! Looking for friends to help stay motivated. I want to lose 100 or more pounds. I’m in this for the long haul.
I’m back!
I fell off the wagon after Easter and struggled with binging and eating garbage since then. I’m determined to stay on the wagon starting TODAY! Anyone who has words of wisdom or can encourage me in any way would be greatly appreciated!!
HCG shots
I’m doing a medical weight loss program and one of my options was to use HCG shots. Is anyone else familiar with this? It’s quite a bit more money and I wanted to know if it’s worth the money.
First day of the rest of my life.
I’ve reached the highest weight I’ve ever been and I’m committing to take better care of myself. I would love to have some support as I go through this. I’m an obese 30 something woman and I’m looking to drop as much much weight as I can in a healthy way.