How do you handle the morning highs, do you avoid them completely and if so what's your secret without going t total ????
Always good for a giggle Replacing one word from a film with the word kipper What do you get?
Or weight watchers for diabetics I love it....once you get over the mathematics and I'm no mathematical genius, it works brilliantly mostly cutting down the amount of surplus insulin. I believe this has helped me to lose weight and keep good control. Is anybody else using this method and what are your thoughts and feelings…
So I'm diabetic have been since I was 19 and recently pursued vegetarianism because of some issues I have with food... not a case of me not liking it, it just doesn't like me. The food equivalent of sorry it's not you it's me. So I need support.... inspiring, ideas of whatever. I've given up alcohol as well because it's…
Do you ever look at something and think I'm too old for that....I mean really when did I turn 80 . I mean so long as we look good feel good we aren't breaking any laws. What do you think...what things do you think are a no go area....
If you don't have a logging system then this is perfect I have searched many and this is easy quick and fun. Download it now !
How old does your head and heart your timeline where would you like to pick yourself up and drop yourself off ?
Wanted.... MFP buds Amount : a few I'm not greedy What for : moral support good ideas and to persuade me off the bad ones. How long for: a long long time When for: I need you now and let's face it you probably need me to.