To those like me who don’t pump iron, how do you make strength training fun? I know it’s important, but I’m having a hard time making myself do it. I’m currently using the Nautilus equipment at my gym, but the other day when there was a plumbing leak that closed that section for the day, I couldn’t believe how happy I was…
I love food. Looove it. And it loves me; I have to maintain an extremely strict workout regime and food guidelines in order to maintain my weight. Nothing crazy, mind you, 125 pounds on a 5’3” frame. Well within normal weight, but man, does my body fight it. Basically, I will be the last human on earth if famine comes as…
No matter how hard I work out or what kind of exercise I do, I never get the post workout feel-good feeling people talk about. Is it possible to lack endorphins? If so, is there anything I can do about it?