Packaged sugar is my drug
I've tried going off sugar snacks from the store because the additives are so addictive. I did good today and bought bananas instead of other junk but my other half gets a lot of candy and cookies that I try to get away from and it's like waving a drug in front of my face I'm having trouble walking away from. I've got to…
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Nothing like being 38 realizing almost 40 still haven't gotten to my 199 goal. I'm at 250 or so. I got down to 210 once lost steam, rollercoadtered different weights. Now that I'm getting little wiser and mellowing on my ptsd, I really want to tackle this goal. I was so close to giving up this summer but instead I took a…
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I'm serious about getting down mostly because weight on my back. There is no option to back down. I will give support and hopefully get some back. I'm at 240 right now probably be a year or so to get 199 but I'd rather slow and steady than fast and not stick to it.