Guess who's back...back again
Well I'm back at it. Unhappy with my health conditions, trying to avoid severe diabetic complications, trying to slim down and get back on track with healthy choices and movement.
Workout at home
Im looking for friends that workout mainly from home. (not using exercise equipment, not running) I want friends with similar environment. Walking, home workouts, youtube, dvds..feel kinda defeated when i hear about gym related exercises being logged and im over here like... I cleaned for 20 minutes...
Fitbit Charge 2
Im considering getting a fitbit charge 2... Let me hear from those of you that have one or have had one. Pros? Cons? Would you reccommend? Ease of data transfer? Set up? Accuracy? Etc.
MFP pet peeves
C'mon we all have them. Whats yours?
Activity trackers UNDER $40
Wanting to find something thatll work with mfp that is under $40. What have you found that you like?
Hearing impaired / Deaf
Im hearing impaired. Anyone else here Hearing impaired or Deaf? Do you use sign language? What form? (ASL, PSE, SEE, BSL, something else?)
Playlist for dance workouts
I love dance workouts. Please list some good high energy music to dance to. I'll start. We speak no Americano
Short people problems
Gym equipment is not made for those under 5 feet. Im 4'11" and finding any equipment that i can reach is hard! Anyone else have this issue? What do you do?
Menstrual periods, cramping, and exercise
How? How do you find the motivation to exercise while on a period? Let alone move at all? How do you exercise without leaks?