I lost a ton of weight and Fitbit was so essential to that. Was so excited to get out and exercise. Lived in Tokyo and between exercise and walking to do all the errands I’d get 20000+ steps a day. I was soooo healthy living there. Now I’m back in the US and started a business. All my steps have been replaced with desk…
I’m restarting my weight loss as I regained some weight but I’ve realized that I’ve done some big things in my life. It was all due to making a plan, setting a training program, surrounding myself with support and showing up! Everyday! What have you done? I will add it to my mental list of big things we can do when we make…
Every time I start and restart a fitness/healthful eating routine I go through a period where ‘THIS IS IT! I’m back on track! I’m motivated! All is right with the world!’ Then in a week or ten days I have a few slip ups and then a few more and very quickly I’m right back at the gluttony and I’ve forgotten all about goals…