I have been training for the last 7 months now and i’d like to ask if i am making solid progress. I started with the bar on all exercises. SQ-15kg went up to 72.5kg OHP-20 kg went up to 42.5kg Deadlift-40 kg went up to 90kg Bench Press-20 kg went up to 65kg
M/21/200 cm i started at 77 kgs now i weigh at 95 kg. For the past three months i did everything possible to gain weight and now i can finally see some progress
I am currently eating 3600 cals daily for 15 days now. Trying to get stronger. I am 6’7 and im asking if i should eat more than this app tells me to.
Hello everyone i am a 6’7 20 year old weighing at only 165 pounds. I have been strugling in gaining weight for the last 3 years and any advice you guys give me is very much appreciated