I had to do it! I had to start a thread because I didn’t like being the oldest guy in the room in the middle aged forum. I seem to have experienced a slight weight gain in the past 22 years, just one 4 of an ounce a day. The problem is, over 22 years that got me to 361 lbs. Enough is enough. I’ve made a few small changes…
53 years old, slowing down and feeling pretty crappy about myself and my health. I love to cook and I love to feed people. I have never put any focus on a healthy manner of eating. I was VERY athletic in high school and had no problem eating like a horse and staying fit. Went into construction out of high school and…
Me in 1995 Me in 2018. 32 years of undisciplined living took me from looking buffed to stuffed. How did I get fat? One bite at a time. Scientifically yet simply put, I consumed more calories then I burned. My doctor always told me that I should eat less and exercise more. Yeah yeah yeah, anyway… how’s your golf game? I…