Overcoming obesity and alcoholism.
Always persevere everyone, it helps in the long run. ❤️❤️❤️ https://youtu.be/8xeLdfRLJD4
What it’s like losing 100 Pounds (MENTAL ASPECT)
https://youtu.be/wUKCAK3FLPo This video is for anyone that may be curious in what our inner demons can do to us. If anyone ever wants to reach out with questions, my email is in the description of the video ❤️
https://youtu.be/JqZ6DH3BmsQ Lots ot sweat and pain involved with this one. I accidentally posted this in the challenges forum as well.
First ever Murph!
https://youtu.be/JqZ6DH3BmsQ Lots ot sweat and pain involved with this one.