Garmin Connect Users
I'm looking to connect with positive and motivated individuals. My preferred watch and fitness program would be Garmin, and Garmin Connect. I would love to connect with other Garmin users. You can find me @norcalrunner Drop a line below with your Garmin username to connect!
If you drink Diet Coke obsessively....You might be a runner. What's that all about?
Has anyone else ever noticed that runner's drink Diet Coke like it's water? I'm not a nutritionist, nor do I claim any expertise in this matter, but practically substituting your water consumption during the day with Diet Coke has to take a toll eventually...am I right? :-) (Not attacking runners here...just having some…
Garmin vs. Apple Watch vs. Fitbit
I just so happen to own a Garmin Felix 5, Apple Watch Series 3, and a Fitbit Flex 2. I switch watches a lot and wanted to be able to track my steps on one platform, so I decided to use the Fitbit Flex 2 as the constant, and switch out the actual watches as I like. The problem...for the last week I have worn the Fitbit and…
Macro Diet 101 - Tips
I have currently become interested in being a bit more thorough and strict on what foods I eat. I'm not only keeping track of calories, but I'm starting to track the Macros as well; grams of proteins, carbs, and fat. I have found that as I start to track this...based on what I need...and after eating normal that I am NO…
Power Song
What is that ONE song you put on just when you feel as if you can't workout any more? Current Power Song - Zero by Imagine Dragons
I Deserve This
Excited to finally stop using the, "I travel too much, no time after managing the kids, I had knee surgery, etc.," excuses and just get this started! I have put time into fitness programs and worked towards better health, but it all comes back to the mean plan and proper nutrition. That five mile run doesn't do a lot of…
Frequent Flyers - Making Healthy Choices
As someone that travels nearly half the year I have found that lots of bad health decisions and habits are created while travelling for work! Anyone that has tips and tricks for the travelling individual to stay the course, keep up the health eating, etc. Any and all feedback/tips is welcome!