The woo button has been officially retired, and disagree hasn't come yet to replace it. So now is the time! We have a short window, where nobody can negative react to your posts if you have some crazy, non-science supported theory about weight loss and health! Take advantage of it! Talk about how diet soda makes you fat,…
I found this article the other day and it's a good clear explanation of why some of us on these boards say what we do when confronted with these claims, specifically claims that put moral judgement on food choices. It's good back up to read so that you don't think we are just a bunch of crazy no nothings on the internet.…
I'll start this post off by saying that I'm a big meat eater and have been pretty much since birth. That being said, I'm sympathetic to the argument about the environmental impact of meat, especially beef production, so the idea of plant based burgers that were supposedly as good as the real thing has always intrigued me.…