How Can Anyone Eat This Stuff?
I've never eaten fast food on a regular basis in my life. I really cut back the last 10 years or so and haven't had McDonald's for probably 5 years. Yesterday I was with a family member who needed to eat something to take some medication. Nothing else around and we went to McDonalds. I would have skipped but I hadn't eaten…
Comfort is the Enemy?
What do you think about the title? I've see this for years from what some would call hard core "macho" guys. Now there are NYT best selling books on the topic, even less "in your face" author promoting this. I'm going to say it's pretty true. I like the phrase, "no growth happens in your comfort zone". IMO this applies to…
Ozempic Users How Did You Get Started?
Asking out of concern for my sister in law. She's mid 60's 70-100 pounds overweight. Was diagnosed with severe fatty liver disease last fall and recently Type 2 diabetes. She's probably not the best working with medical professionals. Did your doctor suggest this or a similar drug or did you request? Appreciate your…
Gym Etiquette
Had to have a conversation with a guy at the gym today. Was in the middle of a set of cable rows, guy walks up and asks how many sets I have, mid set. I'm not wearing headphones, he keeps standing there as I continue my set, I don't say a thing. When I finish I say you NEVER interrupt someone when they are in the middle of…
Muscle/Joint Pain with Statins?
Appreciate thoughts/experiences with Statins. At my last checkup, my new doctor talked me into starting a low dose statin. I’m mid 60s no history of heart issues, long time exerciser (weights and cardio), 6’2”, 210 lbs., 20% bodyfat (DEXA Scan performed by PhD in Kinesiology/Exercise Science). Following are my numbers,…
Stupid Calories vs Carbs Question -Body Armor Lyte
It's my understanding a gram of carbohydrate is 4 calories. How can this stuff have 18G of carbohydrates and 20 calories?
Opinions on CBD products. Anything you use and benefits you see? Thanks much.
Halloween Candy
If you have leftover Halloween candy, get it out of the house. Give or throw it away. Better it be in a dump than as fat on your body.
PSA: Warm Weather
There are often comments on here that someone can't do anything outside because it's "too hot". We are still in Spring in the Northern Hemisphere. If one starts moving around outside now the likelihood is good that in a month so when it starts getting "hot" you will have some acclimation to the heat and it won't be an…
Anyone Have Experience Donating Blood Plasma
I've given blood on a regular basis. The Red Cross is looking for people who have recovered from Covid to donate convalescent plasma for use in treatment. Anyone have any experience good or bad with a plasma donation? Also if you have done the convalescent plasma it says you should be "fully recovered" from covid for 2…
Bodyfat Measurement
Admins please remove this if inappropriate, I have no personal interest in this company but seems pretty interesting. I was listening to a Podcast interview with the inventors of the Made Health and Fitness App. It was developed by 2 PhDs in Kinesiology at the University of Alabama. Basically you take a full body picture…
Acquaintance Asked Me to be Accountability Partners?
I know what I'm going to do, interested in other's thoughts Bit of background. I got an email from someone I met when our kids were in school about 10 years ago. I'd see him at school functions, we were both on a parent's board for an extracurricular activity , would talk but never did anything socially other than the…
I've seen many people saying they need motivation to lose weight and/or exercise. IMO, for something to be motivating it has to have a powerful "why" much more powerful than fitting in a smaller pair of pants. This video IMO shows a strong why: https://youtu.be/REcZopXwOXo Note: May produce tears
Vertical Leg Press?
My son is looking at a vertical leg press for his garage gym (he already has a squat rack). Experiences good or bad? Thanks much.
Cut Added Sugars Recommendation from 10% of US Diet to 6%?
The Dietary Guidelines for Americans advisory committee is recommending lowering the added sugars recommendation to 6 percent of daily calories, from 10 percent for the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Amerians. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/07/11/sugar-2020-dietary-guidelines/ From the article: "The…
Building Heat Acclimation
Having a bit of debate with myself. The gyms opened in my state and I can go back in for my resistance training. It's gotten really warm in my area and for the next couple weeks it will be 100 degrees in my makeshift garage gym (about 15-20 degrees warmer than it has been). Thinking of just sucking it a bit and working out…
B.S. Detector
Nice tool one can use to help decide if claims in an ad for diet/fitness related products are reasonable. https://drbillsukala.com/*kitten*-detector/
Body Positive Workout Clothes Women's Thing, Not Men's?
The following thread discussing workout clothing made me notice something and ask this question. https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10774888/body-positive-menswear/p1 I was doing some Christmas shopping on the website of a well known athletic apparel manufacturer. I noticed they had some plus size/obese…
Top 20 Nutrition Myths That Won't Die (from Examine.com)
Nice article on food myths from Examine.com with links to studies referenced. IMO, good New Year's reading. https://examine.com/nutrition/awful-nutrition-myths/?fbclid=IwAR2HnHKGREVhZl8fspxqFkKtiOr-K3WMkHvk-N7QxVr1rWbJOajXfm8vQj8#summary1 If you don't want to click on a link you can Google, The top 20 nutrition myths of…
Emotional Support Dog at the Gym
I was at the gym yesterday. The gym has a large open interior area in the back of the building for sled pushing, carried, walking lunges, floor work etc. It was 5 PM so a decent crowd in the gym. A woman comes into the area with an unleashed dog and starts to run sprints with the dog. The dog runs with her pretty well but…
30 Core Training Exercises with Video Examples
Super article by Dr John Rusin on core training. No mention of a crunch. Has videos of all 30 exercises. Also, from the article: "Speaking of vertical exercises, you’ve probably noticed that I haven’t mentioned heavy compound lifts yet. This is by design. I am a huge advocate for deadlifts, squats, clean, presses and all…