I started Phentermine today and besides drinking a metric ton of water, I was wondering what sort of macros would be best to utilize while on the medication. I also have an e-mail out to my PCP, but he is not a nutritionist either, so I figured I could get some advice here in the meantime. Please no flaming about using a…
Fellow calorie counters, do you track the oil/butter/seasonings that you use in cooking? I am perplexed since you don’t consume all of whatever you cook with. I.e, if sauté mushrooms with a tablespoon of butter, the mushrooms don’t take on the entire tablespoon. Or if you sauté pork chops in avocado oil, you are of course…
So, I am sure this has been answered a million times, but what routines do ya'll recommend? When should one add weights? I started this thing yesterday at 6'5" and 299 pounds. At my fittest (playing basketball 3-4 hours most days), I was around 235 and would realistically like to get to a somewhat strong 250. I am not…