Honeysuckle White Ground Turkey Braggs Liquid Aminos-about 5 shakes 1 Egg 1/4 c. finely diced onion 1/4 c. finely diced bell pepper 1 tsp. garlic powder 1/2 tsp. McCormick's Grill Mates Steakhouse Onion Burger w/garlic 1/2 tsp. smoked paprika 1/2 tsp. chili powder 1/4 tsp. ground cumin Salt and pepper to taste Flour to…
Hello, I used this program about 3 plus years ago and did well and loved it. However, in 2016 my mom's Alzheimer's got worse and my sisters and I had to take care of her everyday to the end. Hardest thing I've ever done in my life. She passed in June 2017, 1 week shy of her 90th birthday. Daddy followed her 10 months…