18:6 anyone?
Does anyone here do 18:6 IF? Which meal do you cut? And do you have cravings?
Under 30, PCOS, bulged L5 - anyone in the same circumstances?
Hey, I have a fair cocktail of complications and would be glad of active users (don't just like my posts but actually talk and support) possibly in the same boat as me? I have PCOS, high blood pressure, high-ish cholesterol, a bulged L5 disc from the gym... I was getting along fine until I had some thing said to me by a…
Friends in their 20/30's?
Heya, I'm looking for more friends similar age to me so we hopefully have more in common on our journey... I'm 27, how old are you? 🙃 Maybe we could start a thread to see how we have things in common with people by putting down 5 things about you... 👆🏼 I'm 27 from Australia ✌🏼 My goal is to lose weight - 36.8kg 👌🏼 I live…
Any Aussies? 🇦🇺
Is there many Aussies here?
Who are you
Lets start with 5 things about yourself... Here's mine 👇🏼 1. I'm an Aussie 2. I love being outdoors and with nature 3. I'm super chilled and down to earth 4. I'm a foodie, love making good food 5. I live alone, no pets or anything Now it's your turn >>
Any Aussies here?
Just wondering where my fellow aussie are? Assuming most people are from the US here... Friend me... I'm halfway on my journey and need supportive people to join me
Dr told me [after losing 20kg] that I'm too fat and I should try injections for weight loss
Like... actually? I got halfway by myself and lost 20kg why do I need injections to lose the rest 😤 #ScaredofNeedles
Let me know you a little better
Lets start with 5 things about yourself... Here's mine 👇🏼 1. I'm an Aussie 2. I love being outdoors and with nature 3. I'm super chilled and down to earth 4. I'm a foodie, love making good food 5. I live alone, no pets or anything Now it's your turn >>
Aussies needed!
So i have lots of very cool friends but i need more in the same timezone as me... any aussies wanna be friends?
PCOS & intermittent fasting?
Do you do it? What hours? Is it sustainable? Does it work? ...so many questions lol I have tried it, it suits me fine... still need to be within calorie target obviously but is no breakfast healthy? We've been taught for years that breakfast is the most important meal - right or wrong?
I'm new (again)!
Heya, Not my first time here... Coming back for a fresh start, new username and new motivation. So, I'm 26 and I'm from Aussie... I'm not quite halfway to my weightloss goal of 40kg and I've got a fair few challenges so felt I need to start afresh. I have PCOS (reason ☝🏼weightloss is hard) I've had sciatica for 5 weeks now…