Listen!! So the first post I ever made was about how I made a bad decision and hated it. I got a huge amount of feedback that day. And that day was 2 weeks ago. I have legit almost lost 10 lbs since that post (probably alot of water weight) but making good decisions it so much easier with all of you!!
Has anyone else noticed as the organize thier nutritional life they are inherently improving thier home,car,financial organization as well? I'm noticing myself not only making better food choices but also better choices with my time. Tell me your story!!
I'm super excited! this week I managed to re-establish a proper sleep schedule, I've noticed my house getting cleaner I'm cooking regularly ,doing dishes, whole bunch of stuff that I wasn't doing before. I can honestly say a week ago I could not have made the decision I just made! I hit my calorie limit for the day a few…
Man I need to make better decisions. I have plenty of healthy food in the fridge. Wife and kiddo where hungry and instead of getting off my butt and making my family dinner I called in pizza. The only logical upside to what i did was not having to get off the damn couch. Lazy... need to make better decisions. I think I am…