4th of July Peachtree Road Race, what is everyone doing with Fam/Friends for the 4th of July?
How was everyones Fathers Day? Name one special thing you did for fun, anyone?
When its raining out
When it's raining out, what exercises do you do indoors? anyone?
You don't have to be great to start,~`must start to be GREAT
You don't have to be great to start,~`must start to be GREAT. GOAL; 30 minutes to an hour. #WalkWithMeTalkWithMe What do you partake in on days, you may not be able to train outdoors? anyone? Rain/LIGHTENING is in the forecast (all day), here in Atlanta~TREADMILL TIME
Adding: Running (jogging), 5 mph (12 min mile) How long? Calories Burned: If you know how many c
400 calories burn today, 171CALORIES GOING UP AND DOWNSTAIRS AT PIEDMONT PARK 229 CALORIES RUNNING ARND OVAL AT P.M.P anybody exercise today? what youdo?
Peachtree Road Race anyone?
I start, the one top motivator for me during the Atlanta Peachtree road race is a sense of joy, fulfillment, completing a fun, yet eventful goal. Still training, the race is July 4 ANY ONE DOING ROAD RACES OR MARATHONS THIS YEAR 2019 , CHIME IN & let me know what keeps you going