Sometimes it’s easy some weeks are cake, snd I have no problem smashing goals and loosing weight, but when life gets more hectic it gets harder and harder to want to stay ahead and motivate myself. Those days I rather order take out and sit in the couch and be blah. I am having so many more of those days than good ones and…
Getting started and continually maintaining and still living a life isn’t easy. I’m grateful to be down 5.4, but still I wonder what else I could be doing differently. My step count needs to be higher I read about fasting but I worry about being hypoglycemia, because I’m not used to fasting. I want to do well, be strong…
Hey everyone, I’m a struggling but trying to stay motivated nursing student, married to my best friend. And in need of wanting to be my best self for me, and my husband. Life is too short. I just want to feel good snd comfortable in my own skin after 33 years of an internal battle of a love hate relationship with myself…