Ok, so I've lost 11lb so far, I'm doing ok... But this week, nothing. I'm stuck on that 11lb. I haven't gone over my calories, infact, some days I've been around 300 under. What am I doing wrong and what can I do to break the plateau and get me to my first stone?
Hi, newbie here. Need some advice. I'm 44 and have Arthritis in my knee so I now have to wear a brace. We like to call it 'the leg'. Do any of you guys need a leg brace and if so, what exercising do you/can you do when wearing it?
Hi, Could anyone recommend an alternative to extra virgin olive oil please. We would normally use this for frying, but it's to high in calories. Thanks xx
Hi all, only recently joined. It's going well. Have lost 6lb in 3 days. I know this is just the adjustment period. But I have Arthritis and will be wearing a knee brace permanently and will find exercise more difficult. Does anyone have any tips as to what sort of exercise I could do ? Thank, Ju x
Can anyone recommend a filling breakfast that isn't porridge or oat based please? Not really a cereal fan either. Thank in advance