How to get over the "wait" to lose weight? feeling overwhelmed
How to "get over" thinking.. I have 6 months to one year to lose my almost 100 pounds of fat.. it seems like FOREVER away. I am not gonna give up.. but it just seems so far away.. what do you guys do?
Anyone have pinterest?
Reason why I ask is because I have a board full of inspiration to lose weight : ) if you're interested please check it out and I also have fashion, makeup and nails on there! post yours if you have one, please follow me there : ) i post daily also if this post is not allowed please let me know, I will delete it. i am NEW…
Can I see your before and after pics?
And how much weight you lost? I'm looking to lose about 80-90 pounds total. Need motivation..
Hi, I'm new here!
I just joined a few minutes ago and I struggle with over eating and boredom eating.. any tips? I'm 5'1 and 200 pounds my first goal is losing 30 pounds then maybe setting another goal. Anyways, I am currently on a new job search and hopefully that will fill my time better.
Eating when bored, stressed, constantly eating.
I always find myself eating a lot.. especially when I'm watching youtube or TV. I snack and snack and snack. and if I don't then I get really bored and feel like I have nothing to do. Can anyone else relate? What's a good way to keep my "headspace" on target and not eat all the time.. And when I eat it's a whole bag of…