1st weight loss attempt was Summer Nov last year, consuming 1400 cal and exercising approx 250. Lost 2 kilos of water weight quickly in the first week then a steady 1 kilo a week for 5 weeks before Christmas came and I fell off. Starting again now at the same start weight, same intake and outtake of calories…
For the Aussies - recommendations please for a tasty peanut butter alternative? I love it to flavour my breakfast oats but can't warrant the high calorie content. Thanks in advance!
So I'm a first time calorie-counter on 1300 calories with the goal to lose 20kg @ 1kg a week (start weight 85kg, heigh 176cm). I'm an intermittent faster, first meal at 11am last at 7pm, also a recovering emotional binge eater which is pretty much how I got overweight. I'm a mostly sedentary office worker and since…