So I love chipotle. Is it good as in delicious, yes! But I’m wondering... Is it a good diet food? The calories are so high, even if you avoid rice and dairy. Just trying to determine if going paleo at Chipotle is worth it for the calories.
So I ve been going on a run at night everyday this week. Just one mile. Then coming home and doing light weight training. 3 sets of 3 exercises. It’s not much, but I want to do something attainable that I can be consistent with. Is that too little or should I challenge myself to do more?
A few months back I got behind on my gym payments and it got cancelled. That was the beginning of a work out rut for me. Finally, I invested in a home gym! Just ordered new weights, barbell and dumbbell, with 160 lbs. I haven’t worked out yet but so happy to get these. But now I can work out and save money. Soon I will be…
So today I cheated a bit, as in I had two drinks when I told myself no alcohol while dieting, cuz you know...sugar on sugar. But Iheld myself accountable and added it to my food diary for the day. Man oh man! No wonder you can lose a bunch of weight just by cutting back on the booze. Anyway Although I slipped with a…
Today was the start of a new fitness journey. Happy to say I stuck to my diet. Using a food journal for the first time and I think it will help with accountability. Also went on a midnight run. Baby steps but I’m off on the right track.