Hello! I am here because I need to make some serious life changes and can use all the support I can get. About a month ago, I had a doctors apt. And discovered that my a1c has risen to 8.something. Last year, I went from being a pre-diabetic to being a full blown diabetic and they put me on additional meds then too. This…
Hello, this is my second time trying logging all my food in hopes that it will help me get healthier and lose weight. I tried once about 4 or 5 years ago and lost a few pounds but didn’t stick with it. At that time, I was a pre-diabetic. Now, I’ve graduated into full blown type 2 diabetes. I’m desperate for this to work as…
I checked the known issues area and scanned through this section and don’t see it listed. When I use my iOS phone to log a food, it shows the time but when I access my food diary from my iPad, it has dropped the time stamp. Same is true in the reverse. I’m having to log twice to maintain time stamps. Once on my phone and…