It tastes really good and the texture is just like lightly-cooked Otis Spunkmeyer cookies with the middle falling out and lightly crispy edges on the side. Protein - 14g Total Carbs - 25g Total Fiber - 14g(!) Sugars - 4g Sodium - 95mg Total Fat - 10g Plus PUFA, MUFA, Iron 20% Got it off Amazon, may subscribe! (Not all…
I originally posted my story under "ESRD Fighter." - 238 is my starting weight - 182 is my current weight. I gained muscle mass and overall cardio health through my regimen, even through 4 months in quarantine. I was able to walk that fine line between weight loss and muscle gain: EXERCISE - I just did bodyweight…
Hello! I actually joined on Feb. 23rd, but wanted to get a few weeks and some results in before I actually posted anything: I've lost 14.6 pounds as of day day 40 (today!) And it's all because of just using the MyFitnessPal app as a tool. Like the title says, I'm currently having a grueling fight against ESRD (End-Stage…