4th Weigh-in
3rd Weigh-in
81 kg
1st weigh in
77 kg June goal weight: 74 kg
5th weigh-in
77 kg
4th weigh-in
77.5 kg
3rd weigh in
stayed the same 80.5 kg
2nd weigh in
80.5 kg thought I was doing well till I messed it up over the weekend ..
start weight
May Starting Weight: 80 kg May Goal:75 kg Ultimate Goal: undecided yet 5-2-21 5-9-21 5-16-21 5-23-21 5-30-21 I wanted to send you a pic but but I can't send it here
trying again
i lost 22 kg in two years and i was proud of it but my friends and family kept saying i lost too much and i think i wasn't eating enough but going to the gym and getting exercise kept me motivated to maintain the lost weight. since the lock down things changed and i literally shoved my mouth with food so here i am now…