Hi, I’m 46 (just!). I wasn’t that interested in my 20’s but now I really enjoy fitness. Mostly walking and short runs. I work with people that are in the main under 25 so good to find a group like this.
Hi, I’m 46 and just discovered jogging. I had a few stone to lose and mostly did that by lots of brisk walking but found as my fitness improved I could jog 1km and then 2km. I haven’t managed 5km but building up to it. Really enjoy it and sort of wish I’d got into it in my 20’s. I feel like I’m jogging quickly but take…
Hi, I’ve lost 4 stone in lockdown by walking 20,000 steps a day and eating 1,200 calories. I’m happy with my weight now but how do I know how many calories I should be eating a day to maintain my weight? Thanks
Hi, I’ve lost quite a lot of weight over the past 4 months with low calories and lots of exercise. I’m 6ft and now 87kg, if anyone is similar to this I’d be interested to know if you are happy with where you are or if you try to keep losing weight. I also wanted to get more into strength training than cardio which takes up…
Hi, I’m new to this App but since March 20th I’ve lost 58lbs. Just to say all I did was walk 20,000 steps 7 days a week and eat no more than 1,200 calories a day. I found I was losing between 3-4lb a week consistently. It was slow and boring but if consistent not that difficult really. It’s made me obsessed with the scales…