Picky Canadian Eater
Hi!! Any suggestions for a picky Canadian eater? I live in northern Ontario and find that I can’t get a lot of the food for any of these recipes. Plus, I am kinda picky. Any help for making simple food for macros?
Add a friend?
How do I add a friend? Someone who has commented on my profile and said “add me as a friend if you want” but I can’t seem to figure out how...
New member
Hi everyone!! First day, starting out and confused, nervous and excited!
Macro and marriage?
Anyone have any tips about how to do the macro diet while living married to a foodie? He lives for the weekend to create amazing meals and since we have been together 2,3 years, I am up 20lbs. So I am doing the macro change. Any tips so that I am not cooking 3 different meals?