Anybody still here? Wanna be friends?
Hey! I’m new here. Looking for friends/accountability buddies. I’m 5’2, 130 lbs, wanting to tone up and get down to 110 pounds (my bf% is probably 25-30 right now). Not sure how exactly I’m going to go about doing it. Anybody in the same boat? Or was in the same boat and successfully met their goals? Let’s be friends!!! -Em
Skinnyfat girls unite!
Looking to start a group of skinnyfat girls like myself, who don’t have a lot of weight to lose and really just need to shed a lil baby fat/tone up. There’s a group here already that is pretty inactive. Anybody interested in joining a new one?
Skinny-fat ladies wanna be friends?
Hi! I’m new here. Looking for ladyfriends with similar stats. I’m 5’2 and 130 lbs, 25-30% bf. Wanting to tone up and lose a little baby fat and get to 110 lbs. (my profile pic is my goal, not me!! Lol) Not sure how I’m gonna do it yet. Are you in the same boat? Or were you, and are now successful in reaching your goals?…