Hope your new year got off on the right foot! Hilariously enough, one day into 2021 I broke my pinky toe... on the right foot. To add to this hilarity, the immovable object I slammed into was a dumbbell. Guess for a while I'll be focusing on exercises that don't include standing up. If you know of any good YouTube workouts…
Hi all! Deleted my old, stale account to start fresh in a lot of ways. Glad to be back and wish you all luck in your journeys to healthier versions of yourselves, whatever that might look like. I'd love to connect with others who like to get their sweat on, especially veg food lovers so I can stalk your diaries. To new…
Hi all, Wondering if any of you have dealt with this and may have advice... 2020 sucked in my personal life and 2021 has somehow escalated into an even messier s***show. Instead of stress eating, I stress starve. I am having trouble getting more than 500 calories a day in me (even that's a stretch) and I'm a little worried…