Update on what is going on, on old SP site
The new people one health is starting to look like the old SP looked like. I have been doing both myfitness pal and people one health since SP stopped. They just added a new community team call Goal sharing community. The site has a lot of SP things. Just figured I would pass it on.
The new people one health is starting to look like the old SP looked like. I have been doing both myfitness pal and people one health since SP stopped. They just added a new community team call Goal sharing community. The site has a lot of SP things. Just figured I would pass it on.
Might want to check it out. https://peopleonehealth.com/
I was just over on the new SP people one health site that was started a while ago. They have improved to where you can add foods, and join some community teams. It is kind of almost like the old SP but different. Just figure I would let some of the old SP people. https://peopleonehealth.com/
Does anyone want to do a challenge
Do we want to start a challenge of doing at least 15 min a day walking for 30 day? If so we could start it on the 15th of June and go through the 15th of July. If not let me know and we can see if we can come up with something that all of us could do.