eggplant noodles are pretty legit
they're the closest thing i've gotten to real noodles, probably at a 5th of the calories of wheat it's pretty simple, especially if your eggplant is bitter, make sure to salt it then just julienne it,i don't have a julienne peeler so i just hand chop them into discs and cut into general noodle dimensions then you just need…
dump some recipes here:>
Not neccessarily healthy, but mention calories if possible:>
post progress threads for accountability
things you can mention: - Start weight: - Goal weight: - Current weight: - Time elapsed: - No. of times a week you did 12-3-30: - Other exercises that you did, if any: - Calories consumed a day: - Any setbacks you had: - Things you're doing to kill time during the workout (drop music/movie/drama reccomendations!) - etc!
trying 12-3-30 everyday(or so): what're your results? (12incline/3mph/30minutes on treadmill)
Hi, I'm not sure how to use this but I'm going to be updating this with my results after doing the 12-3-30 daily. You can update your results on this group too instead https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/140932-12-3-30-on-treadmill-challenge Definitely NOT going to start immediately considering that I have exams,…