Hi All I am a 52 yr old woman. I was in the miltary for over 14 yrs. And never had a problem with weight. But in 2001 i had a major event happen to me which caused me to stop caring about myself. I got out of the military and totally forgot what fitness was. I went from about 135lbs to a whopping 253 lbs. I recently found…
Hi everyone. My name is Renee and let me start by telling you how i got in this deplorable state.i am a 52 yr old veteran with PTSD. I have comfort eat and ait around doing nothing for a long time. Not too long ago my doctors informed me that my A1Cs were at 11.6 and my weigjt was at an all time high of 252. I knew it was…
Hi Im charla Cortes i am trying to lower my A1C. As i start my journey i am weighing 252lbs and my A1C is at 11.6. I am truly dedicated to getting myself healthier. If anyone has suggestions i am open to all advice