What is the point in setting your Android phone back to factory settings if all anyone got to do is look on youtube video to see how to restore the phone & data & all your information? I will never sell another used device of mine on count of this. I am afraid someone can restore the device's data & get my information. I…
If somone who is a family member on your facebook friends wished everyone else in the family a happy birthday except you, & you know they saw it was your birthday, you seen they been on facebook that day, they just ignored your birthday, how would you feel about it? Would you let it upset you? Or Would you wonder maybe if…
We have 2 female cats, ages 11 & 13. They are indoor cats. My son & daughterinlaw has a dog (pomeranian) that is 11 or 12 yrs old. They recently went to the beach & asked us if we would keep their dog while they was away. We hesitated because we knew our cats would not like it. But we agreed since they talked us into it.…
Just wondering who consumes Knox Unflavored Gelatine on a regular basis for joint pain & arthritis? Has it helped? Did you put it in recipes or make jello out if it or just mix the powder in water or some other drink & drink it in powder form?
What do you do about your Haters (people who talk about you behind your back & act jealous of your weight loss success, because they simply don't have the motivation or will power to do it themselves? I take their Negativity & use it for my Motivation to shove my success in their face!