I was doing a good job of keeping my sodium intake near 2300mg. But then I realized I wasn't compensating for sweat? I read that you lose about 585mg per pound of sweat. So I accurately measured my sweat after exercise at 2 lbs. And increased my sodium intake by 1170mg, making it about 3470mg per day. I'm also using 2…
I guess I always learn things the hard way. I'm 60 years old and have been on a strict diet with daily exercise for about 5 months. Lost 25lbs, look and feel good. Thought the abdominal pain and fever was a stomach flu, and hoped it would pass until day 4 when it was getting out of hand. I spent Sunday in the ER and the CT…
If I go to settings and change from 1lb a week to 1.5lbs there's no change in calorie or exercise goals. Same thing going from Sedentary to Lightly Active in Daily activities. Even if I change both there's still no change. Why have the choices if they don't do anything?
Only shows Calories Remaining at original number. Zeros for Food, Exercise, and Net. It seems it works in the beginning then shuts off. Otherwise app is working well.