Trying again. My 66 y/o knees don't like my 285 pound body these days. Shooting for "25 in 25". Could be equivalent to chipping an ice cube out of an iceberg, but I have to start somewhere.
I'm back. Again. This time for real. No, really. I mean it! Stop laughing!! 😀
Back again for the umpteenth time, this time I have to get my good health back.
Bought some but haven't used them yet. Any tips would be appreciated. Also any feedback on your results after using them. Thanks!
I had extra time this morning so I did my stretching routine that I haven't done in months. Felt good to do it, now to to it daily!
Been on here for a long time but decided I need a fresh start. So this is a new account, new user name. I'm 63 and want to drop 20 to 30 pounds by July so I can by a new suit for our sons wedding. Open to friend requests BUT I am very cautious.